David Lein Victor

Leadership; The Key To Open All Closed Doors In 2020

Leadership is key in the business environment today.

There is a process anyone willing to thrive in leadership must follow.

I followed the process and what I am getting back is divine.

There is a process attached to the stage I am right now, and I am following it with all my heart.

I understand this stage requires a lot from me, I am ready to give it all because I have one thing at heart – getting to the zenith (the highest level of development).

Leadership is an act of influencing others. But it is just a shame to see most people only influence people to do negative things.

A leader influences people to do good things, he influences people to become a promoter of a good society and not a disrupter of a good society.

Learning is very important in leadership. It is the key to unlock the chosen ways needed to aid your leadership journey.

Read also: How To Win Big In 2020

These five elements, when mastered will help you achieve a lot in your leadership journey.

Clarity: Your message, thought, style and appearance are very important in your leadership journey. What message do you want to get across to people? How do you want to pass across the message? In other words, clarity of purpose is key and you can’t do without defining it.

Confidence: Assuming a false level of confidence will do you harm. Confidence can be mastered, take your time, learn the art. Face your fear and question the inner demon criticising you. You’ll see that with time, you’ll be confident.

Competence: You don’t want to be ignored in the marketplace. Carrying out the task efficiently and effectively is the only way to gain sustainability at the spotlight. Learn, and keep learning, that way, you’ll be improving on the game.

Character: Personally, I find this very significant. Making a lot of difference requires the combination of qualities that always get people attracted to you. People always want to be around someone who treats them right.

You don’t want to be found not having traits like integrity, humility, honesty, and other important virtues that promote good behaviour. These character traits define who you are as a person and influences the choice you make in your life. It is the most important way of getting closer to the greatest.

Commitment: To achieve a goal, a cause, or a movement as a leader in any field needs a higher level of commitment. A firm decision, time, energy, and any other positive input will definitely accomplish the set goal.

Let me leave you with this quote from John C. Maxwell, “A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”

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